About me

what you want, to reload or a game, 50 acres with a car and some change anything see my name is WEAKNE$$ I run the game m********ka f**k with me and feel pain cause i can see the evil I can tell it, I know its illegal i don't think about i deposit every other zero think about my partner put the candy painting on the regal digging in my pocket find my profit ain't big enough to feed you, I don't think about it be about it.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

class evaluation

  1. The one thing I liked about this class was it was easy
  2. Ouuuu let me start, first of all I hated how repetitive this class was. Every day the same thing sometimes I would rather be out on the streets selling drugs than be in this boring class and I hated all the "oh choose the right, be a good person, you can't be or do what you want unless it's correct" such motivation.
  3. I recommend, top with the goody goody act of "choosing the right" change things up repetition kills creativity and motivation and make the class a more enthusiastic environment rather than putting everyone to sleep.
  4. Yeah I read it because I got a lot of verses in it even tho Mr. said I shouldn't be a rapper because they use foul language and I ain't allowed to express myself
  5. No choosing the right is boring I stay dangerous400 because it's fun
  6. Have a lot of patience trust,
  7. That I ain't ever gon put myself in a position where I'm that bored ever again